A month with an Ipad

The last month has been an interesting test.

I set myself a few questions when I got it.

1) How much would you use it and for what ?

2) Would it replace you laptop or desktop ?

3) Is it worth it ?

So after the first month heres what I found


It gets used virtually anytime one of the family or visitors passes it by. Kids for games – everyone else for reference or web browsing.

Special uses – music through app simulation and musical instrument simulations


No – to me this is a web connected browsing – reading tablet. No match yet for full blown tablet such as HP TX2. Too many apps that need to run on windows. Simple


Having seen some of the imitators – particularly a knocked off Ipad clone – you get what you pay for. Think carefully about the amount of data you really need to store  and if you want 3G (really) and you may find the entry level does exactly what you need with wireless. Quality build comes at a price. An app store bulging with free and pocket money apps sells ipads – don’t forget that. Making a device that can be different things to all users – even a 4 year old – PRICELESS.

So what would I say to Steve Jobs if I bumped into him in a queue at the coffee shop ? Get well soon …………. and put proper speakers in – speed up charging and add a simple removable  storage device for data transfer. That’ll do for now Steve.