
Wot – no VSS writers ?

A clients backup failed and on inspection I noticed that the command “vssadmin list writers” which should report the status of the writers that support backups of various components came back blank. Yes Completely Blank !! So that could explain the backup failure and the subsequent issue where I was unable to view the backup […]

Instant WordPress on a USB stick!

Whilst researching some how-to’s on WordPress I came across a free piece of software called “Instant WordPress”. One of the claims it made was to be able to run WordPress from a USB key! That’s quite a claim I thought so I downloaded the software from Instant WordPress and gave it a go. I installed the software on […]

Use Protection

In a recent article by the BBC the issue of cyber-attacks was highlighted as a major danger to small companies and indeed a Threat Awareness Survey stated that over 50% of respondents said that they didn’t feel in danger because they were a “small company”! They were under the misapprehension that only large enterprises should […]