Belfast Meetups

Wordcamp Belfast 2018 #WCBELFAST

I can’t believe how the time has flown since it was announced that Wordcamp would be returning to Belfast in 2018. We have a great range of speakers and subject across the two days of the event (26th 27th May 2018) and it promises to be another great community get together. This is the only […]

Getting started with WP-CLI in WordPress

As part of the last monthly WordPress Belfast Meetup I gave a talk on getting started with the WordPress Command Line Interface more commonly known as WP-CLI. Having seen the interface mentioned in a Wordcamp Dublin event as a means of manipulating WordPress I was curious to see exactly what could be achieved. The project […]

Flaky Good, Flaky bad ?

Last night was the occasion for the Belfast Selenium meetup group for a talk by Richard Bradshaw on Flaky Testing and why you need to avoid it. Richard blogs about testing and is involved with the Ministry Of Testing.  There was a good turnout for the Flaking Test event and once again we were hosted by Puppet […]