
2021 Directions

Looking back over 2020 I realise that I’ve been pretty quiet as posts go and want to take the opportunity to look forward to 2021 and the direction that is heading. As probably most people working in support found 2020 was pretty busy as the rush to Working From Home (WFH) became a stampede. As […]

Blast from the past – old apps and new life

Longevity. Not something I heard a lot about from developers that used to meet at those events we used to call “face to face meetings” – pre Covid 19.  When I started coding in the mid 80’s – an application had no real shelf life. If it was fit for purpose – it kept on […]

Don’t give up on your new year resolutions !!!

January 17th, is the day we give up on our New Year’s resolutions apparently According to this article – Strava a social network for athletes that tracks runs and bike rides ,  found Jan. 17 is the day most people lose sight of their goals Two and a half weeks into , that is how […]

5,231,048 reasons to be cheerful

No its not a lottery win – but rather then number of steps my fitbit recorded last year. Seems like a staggering figure (not literally) in terms of the number of times I put one foot in front of the other. Those of you who have met me will know that I am an advocate […]

Goodbye Windows 7 – it was nice knowing you

We all knew it was coming and that we would have to say goodbye to that stalwart. It was stable – not flashy and had updates that were kind of predictable and manageable. Goodbye Windows 7 – we will miss you as that alternatives are less than stellar. As Microsoft state Microsoft made a commitment […]

Only In San Francisco – ECO-Burglary !

While staying in San Francisco recently I happened to observe the local arrangements for bin collection – basically all bins out on the same day with various companies responsible for the various types of waste picking up their bins at various times during the day. What I wasn’t quite prepared for was the sight of […]

Who’s afraid of the big bad (WEB) Wolf ?

Last nights OWASP event was very well attended and understandably due to the nature of the talks and the speakers !! Talk: Top 10 WebHacks of 2015 Speaker: Johnathan Kuskos – Threat Center Manager at Whitehat Talk: Open Source Security – What Security Testing Tools Miss Speaker: Mike Pittenger – VP of Security Strategy for Blackduck […]