Could not find an editor for H (.) files

What a rubbish error message !!

This was raised when trying to create a signature in Outlook 2003 and pressing the advanced edit button.

The suggestion was that there was an easy fix


 Open Control Panel and choose Internet Options


Here select the Programs tab


Change your default HTML editor to another program in the list


Press Apply


Change it back to whatever you want your default HTML editor to be


Press Ok

** This however does not take account of the scenario where the Outlook client is Outlook 2003 and the office version is Office XP / 2002. **

In this case you will notice other symptoms like the option to have word 2003 be used to edit html files will be greyed out (since its not installed).

Couldn’t find a fix for this one either but the workaround was to create a simple signature and save it. Search for folders called signatures – the location of this will differ depending on the vesrion of windows.


In this folder you will find three versions of the sig based on text, rtf and html (if you called the signature fredsig when saving – search for that instead).

Now for the mucky final bit – edit the html using the html editor of your choice (I used notepad) and tidy up the html to suit what you want. Note you may need to edit the html again after previewing in the Outlook client. Test sending a email from outlook and  if instead of images used you get  a box with a red x – you may have to edit the paths in the html to be relative and place the images you want in the signature into the parent folder where the sigs are held.


Phew. Thanks to Cathal for unearthing that one.