Gimp and EPS format files

I had a need to work on an EPS format file for a client web site so I reached for the tool I had last used for this – namely the GIMP – short for the Gnu Image Manipulation program. If not familiar think free Photoshop alternative. I was surprised  though to find an error when importing the .eps file – “could not interpret postscript file” – the problem – a bug with one of the dlls apparently. so to get this resolved you need another application in this case Ghostscript to get the faulty dll replacement you need


  1. Install Ghostscript from the Ghostscript download page. Be sure to get the 64 bit version.
  2. If GIMP is open, close it.
  3. From the Ghostscript bin folder (C:\Program Files\gs\gs9.18\bin for me; your version number may be different), copy the gsdll64.dll file to the GIMP bin folder (C:\Program Files\GIMP 2\bin\ for me).
  4. In the GIMP bin folder, rename libgs-8.dll to libgs-8.dll.backup. You can revert back to this file in case something goes wrong.
  5. Then, rename gsdll64.dll to libgs-8.dll.

Restart GIMP and retry your import.