Happy Surfin’ Happy Surfin’ Happy Surfin’ Santa

Fed Up with the startup crashing I’d experienced with Safari on Windows on my main windows xp machine – I decided to try again with another machine – and lo and behold – the same problem the first time it tried to launch the browser.

I had been looking around the web for further in formation regarding this problem and I have to say was very disappointed in what appeared to be Apple’s lack of a solution and lack of concern about an application (even in beta form) that would neither start or report anything useful when failing.

Its been a long time since I felt that a piece of software from a major developer was not ready for even experienced users to bother with but this release should never have made it out the door.

Given the availability of Opera and Mozilla as alternative browsers against the “market leader” IE – you would think that the new kid on the block would be trying as hard as possible to get itself a good reputation and bringing innovation to the market. I’ve seen a number of instances lately where IE 7 has developed fairly persistent faults causing it to close silently and had recommended Mozilla to those affected while we wait for what appears to a long overdue admission from Microsoft of problems in their application.

So faced with another machine unable to run Safari I felt that there must be an answer so logging into Apples site and downloading Safari for Windows Public Beta Seed 31A2 and installing over the previous release has brought me back a working browser on BOTH machines.

So if in doubt – get that version out.

Note : Happy Surfin Santa was a vinyl single by the Zen Alligators to help get a friend legal defense The B side was Christmas on Venus. It was recorded in mono sometime in the 1980’s and sounds like the band were in a tin shed at the time.