Make sure your Synology Nas is secure

A article claiming that internet facing Synology NAS are being exploited in a attack on synthetic currency Dogecoin. The article is here and is worth a read. Its hard to see why you wouldn’t take on board the new releases of DSM and the packages you use. One of the factors suggesting this is a concerted attack on Synology NAS was  that in March this year the SANS internet storm centre reported a spike in scans against port 5000 which was the default listener for Synology NASes.

So get your updates on – and consider changing the port and credentials used on the devices – and whether you actually need access to the device from the web. Protect yourself and others with managed regular maintenance.

If you are looking for a functional and cost effective NAS solution – Synology is well worth a look – there is a lot to recommend it.
