Need to host an adhoc telephone conference ? Try conferencegenie

I get asked by clients usually as part of projects to arrange a teleconference. Suppliers generally have their own mechanism but sometimes you want to be able to create your own. I was introduced to ConferenceGenie by a colleague some time ago and have used that in several cases to arrange a meeting. The setting up of the conference is free – you just pay for the cost of the phone call.

Conference calling with Conference Genie is completely free! You just pay the cost of your phone call – only 4.3p* during the day. It’s even cheaper after 6pm and all weekend using our dedicated 0844 8 360 360 number – only 1.7p*!

Details of the standard costs are

Country Number                  Cost per minute   When you can call
UK           0844 84 84 84 0        4.3 pence                       Anytime
UK           0844 8 360 360         1.7 pence                       After 6pm and all weekend

You can get the costs for adding collers from abroad here

There are also plans for bigger numbers of attendees and other services. They also provide video conferencing too.