RDP passwords and some hash blues …

Previously I mentioned that the generation of password hash could be added to the text files that make up .rdp files. However I could still not get the user account on a HP 5720 thin client to pick up this change. Reflashing back to an earlier XPE version appeared to resolve the saving of settings but as you can see there still appear to be bugs in the rdp client behaviour.

Some background will help. What I am trying to do is to get an rdp connection to automatically run at boot up or from a desktop icon on a HP thin client. See the previous article re rdp password hash generation here …. you’ll want to store that either on the thin client or on a usb key to run later.

so the steps that you need to carry are should be

Important – First Disable the EWF (enhanced write filter and reboot the thin client)

1) login as administrator on the thin client.
2) Connect to the remote server using the rdp client icon
3) disconnect from the client – open the rdp client and in the options save the settings
4) use notepad to edit the default.rdp file you just created – noting its location
5) add the password hash you generate running the rdp.exe hash generator – save it and note the location of the saved file
6) save the .rdp file and test by copying it from its default location in 5) to the desktop folder under the Administrator user.
7) also save it under the User desktop folder.
8) log off Administrator – holding the shift key and then log back in as Administrator
8) test the default.rdp by clicking on the link that will have appeared on the desktop. It should connect straight through.
9) login as user and test the rdp client – by clicking then selecting Connect – that should take you directly to the server
10) test the default.rdp icon on the desktop by clicking.

Well point 10 will probably fail and heres why – it appears that the rdp client can read the settings that are stored from the file when you click connect – but not when you click the same file and invoke the application associated with .rdp files – namely the rdp client !!!

The investigation into the failure of point 10 continues but for those that are interested I can give you a workaround. HP’s answer to this was “We don’t support the OS on the thin client” I’ll let you know how we get on with that.

but meanwhile the alternative method …

Go to Remko’s site and download the utility Launchrdp which I summarise as

A commandline tool that starts an RDP connection (with mstsc.exe) because mstsc doesn’t allow you to use the login credentials (username, password) as commandline arguments.

Arguments are:

Servername (string)
Port (integer, usually 3389)
Username (string)
Domain (string)
Password (string)
Console (integer, specify 0 for false and 1 for true)
RedirectDrives (integer, specify 0 for false and 1 for true)
RedirectPrinters (integer, specify 0 for false and 1 for true)
LaunchRDP MyServer 3389 User Domain Password 0 0 0

1) Copy this on to the thin client via usb key and put it in the windowssystem32 folder.

2) As Administrator create a text file called lrdp.cmd in c: and enter the following two lines

@echo off
LaunchRDP MyServer 3389 User Domain Password 0 0 0 (replacing the values with the ones appropriate to you)

3) Test it from the dos prompt by entering lrdp and pressing return.

4) Once working copy this to the desktop and startup folders for the User account and finally re-enable the EWF.

5) Reboot the device and watch the thin client automatically log on the the terminal server as part of the startup.

So although the conventional .rdp file doesn’t yet work fully – I’ve given you an alternative way to get the functionality of an autorunning rdp session at bootup on a HP Thin Client 5720.