In creating a new installation of Nagios to update the underlying O/S – I can across a problem with Nagios when opening the front page. I would get a menu down the left hand side and all the functionality would work but I was missing the content in the rest of the page (i.e the bit (frame) with Nagios core info on it). I tracked down the missing content to the index.php and main.php pages in the /usr/local/nagios/share folder. I even tried opening those but got nothing. I could open the side.php which contains the links. Solution: when the apache logs were checked in /var/log/apache2 – I noted that errors relating to a file called being missing. Checked against another installation of the same version of Nagios and lo – there it was in the /usr/local/nagios/share/includes/rss/extlib folder. Ftp’ed it to the other nagios server and change the rights to suit (chmod 664) and was able to refresh and get the missing content.
Another interesting side effect of looking at the files especially index.php was that I decided to change the content of the default pages right hand frame.
to do this
make a backup of the index.php
Locate the frame src definition for main and change to
FRAME SRC=”cgi-bin/tac.cgi” NAME=”main”
refresh the page to see
This displays the Tactical Overview display. I also changed it to:
FRAME SRC=”cgi-bin/status.cgi?host=all” NAME=”main” and that displays the Services page by default.
P.S., when you click on “Home” in the Nagios left-hand pane you can still display the original default homepage. That page allows you to look at the “Check for Updates” information.
You could also experiment to get the content you want by looking at the links presented by the browser when selecting different choices from the side menu