The year ahead

The year ahead promises to be challenging. On a personal level – a new venture with two colleagues – Halcyon Information Technology Ltd – will launch in January. Extending on the work Sentinel has done and expanding into new business areas – Halcyon is re-affirmation of my belief in dedicated and skilled IT support provision to help business truly get the most out of their IT investments.

Combined with other developments for clients and new areas of innovation that Halcyon will bring to market – it promises to be a period of growth and further skills development which can only be of benefit to existing and potential clients.

On the larger stage though – developments in hyper-v and windows 8 – desktop and server will be of interest to many corporates. Indeed virtualisation will no doubt continue to prove popular with smaller business and VMware are poised to take that option even further to the desktop arena.

I hope that clients continue to embrace the solutions that are developed for them and that we are able to bring more of these innovations to new clients and that we can continue to develop innovative options that bring in new business and  further increase the potential and performance for our current customers.

So for the year ahead I wish to say “Welcome Aboard Ian and Lewis” and “Thank you” to the existing clients who have shown loyalty and faith through many years to me and my colleagues.

So to all – Merry Christmas and Happy 2012 – may it be an OLYMPIC year for Halcyon and Sentinel and their partners.