Given the importance of the Dojo library as it its integrated with Notes and Xpages – I was interested to see details of the latest and greatest version 1.6. Obviously its not that easy for IBM to integrate the new releases immediately with the next point release of the Notes 8.5.x client. My interest in this case – apart from all the structural improvements mentioned by the developers is in charting. Some details are here. According to Paul Withers here we are finally getting spider charts and gantt charts !!
the other new stuff is summarised from the release notes here as
Dojo 1.6 contains a number of great additions and refinements. Key highlights include:
- Object store: Rethinking data stores in a manner that’s generally easier to work with and more flexible than
- LESS Dijit themes: Use the popular LESS CSS framework for simplified theme creation.
- HTML5 data attributes: Use data-* attributes instead of custom attributes, so your markup will validate against the HTML5 validator.
- Widget watch(): Follow changes to widget attributes with watch().
- Dojo WebSocket: A simple API for working with WebSockets and other real-time Comet techniques.
- CommonJS AMD: Dojo now supports the CommonJS AMD format for defining modules.
- Charts: The project now contains new Spider and Gantt charts, and support for Canvas text.
- Scene Graph: Dojo Mobile’s scene graph implementation enables powerful replay capabilities.
- Fixes: Many, many improvements to support new browsers including IE9, compatibility with non-browser environments, widget improvements, and shiny polish all around.