Would the Real Alt + Space please stand up?

Time for a short tip today. While working on my PC I happened to hit the Windows Key + Tab to working with one of my virtual desktops in Windows 10. I think the virtual desktop feature is very under-rated – and you should give it a go but in this case I noticed an […]

Its Magic!

Recently as part of  building renovations I wanted to replace some older Devolo Ethernet over power adapters and consolidate some wireless access points from various suppliers into something more standard and manageable. Enter the Magic Wifi 2 Next multiroom kit from Devolo. This ticked both boxes for wired connections and wireless in the one set […]

2021 Directions

Looking back over 2020 I realise that I’ve been pretty quiet as posts go and want to take the opportunity to look forward to 2021 and the direction that is heading. As probably most people working in support found 2020 was pretty busy as the rush to Working From Home (WFH) became a stampede. As […]

Blast from the past – old apps and new life

Longevity. Not something I heard a lot about from developers that used to meet at those events we used to call “face to face meetings” – pre Covid 19.  When I started coding in the mid 80’s – an application had no real shelf life. If it was fit for purpose – it kept on […]

Time for Pi

As a long time fan of the Raspberry Pi platform I recently decided to replace an aging original Pi for a project I have in mind. So imagine my delight when I spotted the Pi 400 – its a Pi in a keyboard !! Whoever thought of that – pat yourself on the back. Immediately […]