Windows 8

No Windows 8 for you TODAY ?

If you are trying to install Windows 8 build 9200 enterprise on a Pentium 4  PC, but upon boot, are getting the following error message ( or very similar) : Your PC needs to restart Please hold down the power button Error Code 0x0000005D Parameters 0x030F0401 0x756E6547 0x49656E69 0x6C65746E Unlike Windows Vista and 7, Windows 8 (as from […]

Windows 8 – what will it mean for you ?

The upcoming release of Windows 8 is a crossroads for Microsoft in terms of its domination of the desktop operating system envirnment. So much hinges on the success of Windows 8 that its hard to see any area of MS that won’t be affected. Office is getting a makeover to match Windows 8. Windows 8 […]

The problems with Windows 8 ?

The main problems that will be faced by organisations thinking about moving to Windows 8 when it is released are training, training and training. Oh yeah – and more expensive touchscreen technology. This isn’t an unusual situation – it tends to happen each time a new o/s gets released and is normally part of an […]