

Another day of Apple altered reality and performance yesterday with the launch of the IPhone 6 and Apple Watch. So whats worth noting from the announcements ? The new IOS 8 as expected carries a range of features and improvements but its biggest selling point may be to developers looking for deeper integration between apps […]

Chrome browser now on IOS

Yep – your favourite fast light browser is now on Ipad and Iphone. It is great to have a mainstream alternative to Safari when using Apple devices. So far I have found it fast and reliable – just head to the Apple store and download – you will be up and running in seconds.

Itunes 10.5.3 update

iTunes 10.5.3 allows you to sync interactive iBooks textbooks to your iPad. These Multi-Touch textbooks are available for purchase from the iTunes Store on your PC or from the iBookstore included with iBooks 2 on your iPad. Theres a lot of interest with this announcement of a new authoring tool for books that support this […]

Safari 5.1 sneaks out

In the race to see the new IOS 5 appear – some missed the swift launch of Safari 5.1 About Safari 5.1 This update contains new features including: Reading List: Easily add webpages and links to your Reading List to browse when you have time. New Process Architecture: Safari has been re-engineered for improved stability […]

Life without Steve

At a recent social gathering – the subject of Steve Jobs and Apple came up. Interesting to see how far Apple and Steve have penetrated the general population rather than just the IT crowd. The topics ranged over the Apple approach to products and “innovation” through the previous history of Apple and some of the […]

Apple IOs and DHCP issue

A client reported a problem with wireless dhcp clients losing connections after a short period. After investigation it was found that all the affected devices were running Apple IOS – Ipads and Iphone 4 handsets. Researching the problem brought up a well documented experience of the issue by an American University here. What surprised me […]