The best Xpages news I had in months

IBM announced through Notes supremo Phillippe Riand than new features are coming to Xpages very soon. Why should xpages developers care ? Well .. four things

The four areas that will improve are

Xpages goes Mobile

Seamless delivery of proper web apps for mobile users – with better integration with the extension library

Xpages goes Relational


Probably the best news for Domino Xpages developers – not only do we have NSF storage but now access to anything with a jdbc driver with the connections defined in JNDI. This I cannot wait for 🙂

Domino goes Social

Bring in and link to to the social sites with single signon and Oauth support

Domino goes REST

Two types of service here. One linked to domino data model the other to higher level services such as calendaring.


Thanks to Geoff @ Teamsolutionz for drawing my attention on a busy week. Worth waiting for !!

PS – the full list with more details is here on OpenNTF