Halt – who goes there! WordPress authentication

This meetup was actually last week in Farset Labs and was entitled “WP site planning – look, feel & functions & Google re-capture on WP”

The topics to be covered were

• WordPress site planning – planning the look, feel & functionality of your WP site.

• Securing WP-Login with Google Re-capture

• The new features in the WordPress Customiser

• DIY Design – Think Like A Designer When Creating Your Site (if time allows).

I was only able to stay for the Re-Capture session but it was very informative and covered a large number of areas. Ben Matthews of LeoDan Designs  was the speaker.

The subject was the protection of WordPress sites using the recapture linked to Google. You  can find some more detail here as you will need a Google API key to do this.  A discussion of plugins commonly used by Ben in his configurations brought a number to my attention – Shield / Duo / Clef / Sucuri. A discussion around the centralised management of wordpress sites brought up some useful information regarding options for management. Ben also demoed some other options for controlling access to WordPress control panels including a Yubi key option for two factor authentication.

It was an information heavy presentation and I got a lot of areas to follow up on. Due to other demands I had to leave at the end of that session and regretfully missed the other presentations which I am sure were the same quality info and advice that has been the watch word of the recent WordPress sessions. Here’s to the next one !!