As part of a project involving 3D design work – I have been trying to get to grips with something that I have never really had the opportunity – 3D modelling. Its never really surfaced before even though I have several clients using CAD such as architects – refrigeration engineers – building and plumbing contractors. I asked one client for advice regarding Solidworks which appears to be the weapon of choice in the particular clients industry and they advised getting my feet wet on something conceptually a bit simpler before embarking on Solidworks and what they suggested was Google Sketchup. Get it here free
I had looked at this for a completely different reason a few years ago but thought that its concepts were a bit more than a novice “designer” could realistically handle but thought that it was time to revisit the package to see if it would provide a testbed for getting 3D familiar rather than package specific at this stage. I have to say that my initial experience was good enough to justify developing a structured training program to get me the skills I’m looking for – before I dive into Solidworks. Not being an engineer and having the closest experience of Cad being wireframe models on an Apple IIe over 20 years ago – software like this – and it being free is very liberating. Hopefully also very educational.
So whilst I may not be looking for another Degree in Engineering – I look forward to an interesting three months with Sketchup and getting to grips with 3D design.
Thanks for the advice Ian – you were spot on.