Spiceworks 4.1 update

A summary of the fixes and changes since version 4 of the Spiceworks Helpdesk application and what they address. Nice to see some niggly issue sorted so quickly after V4 release

Update 1 (10/8/09): A new build of 4.1.39229 is now available. This fixes the bug where end users are being emailed the weekly report and a XSRF security fix.

Update 2 (11/8/09): We’ve release 4.1.39315 with fixes for the ‘=’ characters in HTML emails (Exchange 2003) and software on Solaris computers as well as an XSS security fix.

Detailed Release Notes

1.Editing of Network Map nodes to fix links.
2.HelpDesk email templates for HTML as well as customizing the look/layout.. although there are still issues with certain Exchange 2007 configurations.
3.A few additional AV packages are now detected.
4.Help/Guides are included with videos as well as “levels” in top-level Inventory and Helpdesk. More to come on this one in future releases..
5.Remote Sites are now exposed at the device level. This is useful for folks who are using the Remote Site feature for remote offices for their inventory. See the community for more details.
6.UserPortal drag-n-drop editing works much better than before.
7.Popup or Callouts in NetworkMap don’t slide far enough for user to interact with easily
8.Coming into the The NetworkMap from a Different Tab Such as Inventory Expands the Map
9.[IE] Usability issue with License Manager widget on IE7/8
10.UI problems with Editing Licenses from within the License Manager widget
11.[IE] License indicator image is not fully displayed in IE7/8
12.Add the ability to select the Site Name from Browse All Devices
13.Main app shuts down calling unknown wizard
14.(undefined method `destroy) error when user is trying to delete devices.
15.migration failure leaves help desk unusable 3.6 -> 4.0
16.Install Date is missing for applications
17.Events being grouped by event uid only and not taking into account the event source
18.undefined method `abs’ error when running bulk_ticket_import script
19.version needs to change in branch build to 4.1.xxxxx
20.vPro text change
21.Add ‘Unknown Status’ count to the AntiVirus section of Overview tab of Environment Summary
22.Site Name to use values from the db in a select list for Report values.
23.”services marked “”ok”” when set to automatic and stopped”
24.antivirus status in widget shows diff value than antivirus none count
25.antivirus info looks bad on device’s Configuration tab and Profile page
26.add Comodo AV support for server/non-Security Center devices
27.add McAfee support for server/non-security center devices
28.Check SW version when accessing the Community through the app rather than using the heartbeat
29.Rating stars on the device general info. tab are not lined up.
30.Last character of MAC address is not showing on the Network Map pop up
31.”””Top Help”” for Inventory”
32.Add the ability to view the Site Name on General Info and View Profile
33.Location attribute has a bug
34.check contents of backup.yaml
35.”Exception when creating new group with “”after”” condition for date attribute”
36.a little text in the installer and upgrade page for firefox 3.5
37.[IE7/8] Buttons are out of line for device alerts
38.”Exception when saving a new group with “”between”” condition for date attribute”
39.User wants to turn off network map computing
40.Some of the Overview pivots are not working in browse view
41.Creating a Ticket on IT Services page doesn’t update icon
42.Searching for a device causes unnecessary reload
43.[IE7/8] Uneven text for alerts on general info tab
44.Ticket count under overview isn’t updating for IT Services
45.Edit device form doesn’t show Site Name
46.View ticket link does not work after clicking close ticket
47.Changes do not cancel when editing device/product keys on software/helpdesk ticket
48.zIndex of Guide is higher than popup windows
49.Cancel on View Complete Profile doesn’t work
50.Guides don’t show up in Software and on Complete Profile
51.Delete on the view complete profile doesn’t work
52.Update page needs to be updated in 4.1 branch
53.sn value for field_name needs to change in report_fields table in migration 20090803195553_change_sn_to_site_name.rb
54.clicking cancel button on the device edit form takes me to the complete profile page
55.Guides continue to play if you close the window
56.Guides open in the wrong direction if fluid layout is enabled
57.Details section in software can display without content
58.Creating a help desk ticket for a device shows on the wrong device until page refresh
59.Formatting on Alerts isn’t Correct
60.Badge level in app avatar has been shifted to the right
61.Reclassify option should disappear if it becomes unavailable
62.Clicking the guide button several times quickly can cause unexpected results
63.”Wrong link for: “”Want to see the software for Linux machines?”” section on server software”
64.clicking ‘exchange health widget’ no longer links to exchange tab
65.Settings: Behavior is misspelled as Behaviour
66.”Grammatical/wording adjustments to Inventory “”Top Help”” guide”
67.Clicking cancel on view complete profile does double page refresh
68.Add product key information to the community help documentation
69.create new group using date attribute gives template error
70.”Exception when creating new group with “”between”” condition for date attribute”
71.”Exception when creating new group with “”between”” condition for date attribute (part 2)”
72.(portal) do not let any logged in user view any other users tickets
73.Allow a user to edit software product keys
74.left-right drag-n-drop for portal customization
75.ad height isn’t being passed up when viewing devices
76.API for groups is broken
77.Disable submit ticket and add comment buttons in portal once clicking
78.Inventory software takes too long to load due to the timeline SQL query for software
79.Application Error when clicking on service or hotfix title
80.[IE] software license and product key information is not saved to the db
81.Application Error when clicking on ticket URL in helpdesk notification while logged out
82.duplicate timeline entries for applications/services/hotfixes
83.full page activities for specific groups does not show user-generated activities
84.Remove option to edit service/hotfix
85.new software widget for application only: not limiting results properly
86.”JS error when adding product key and clicking “”Save”””
87.Entering a new product key does not save after navigating away from tab
88.Add Navigation Link to Shared Plugins
89.User Portal: incorrect error when clicking article content box
90.two new techlinks on dashboard page
91.JS and Firebug error for DynamicStylesheetInclude is undefined
92.Portal: Reporting user signed into app can edit portal
93.js error installing License manager plugin
94.”[IE] Error running “”Applications by Computer”” report.”
95.software widget accumulates blank date entries
96.new ticket window – due date field formating problem
97.Long alert name with non-breaking characters causes device alerts table to overflow
98./api/groups/[GROUP ID].json?method=members should return a reasonable error if called for non device groups
99.group title for compliance activity text needs to be fixed on timeline
100.”When sorting product key column, blank rows are not sorted properly”
101.Editing a product key and sorting does not sort new key properly.
102.New Software Today widget contains 1 day old items
103.”Update product key count under overview when product keys are added on “”Installed On”” tab”
104.Portal (IE6): First content block on new pages is missing top border
105.Device links in the top level scan errors tab should take you to the scan error tab on the device so you can fix it.
106.”The “”clear attachments”” link is missing when updating a request in the portal”
107.User Portal: Pesky popup when viewing Help Desk tickets
108.spiceworks toolbar not compatible with firefox 3.5
109.Add trend micro to the list of software products we collect.
110.Software api used by the license manager widget needs to return all products that have product keys not just ids.
111.Add the number of product keys for software to the default software reports.
112.Store data about remote collectors on the server being posted to.
113.offline > 2 minutes alert is not triggering on its own
114.Email stops working for some Exchange 2003 users after upgrade to 4.0
115.Exchange 2007: Inline attachments not coming through
116.Tickets installed by application are not displaying in the portal after an update to 4.0
117.due date calendar shows wrong date
118.Ticket Comments don’t appear to be getting escaped properly
119.undefined method `setup_controller’ for nil:NilClass
120.Ticket Reopening is sending the wrong sort of update
121.#cc command does not work if user does not exist
122.Application Error when going to Helpdesk Settings
123.Error displays in default new unassigned request notification to admins
124.deleting an admin with notify me unchecked forces notifications to be off
125.Cannot send beta notification emails to CC’ed reporting user
126.Only show the beta templates link when the beta templates are enabled.
127.”TicketEmailNotConfigured error in logs when clicking on “”save”” or “”send”” for new beta notifications”
128.Users should not be allowed to remove the ticket.ref from the Subject and save a template.
129.New beta templates are not using the Display Name when sending emails.
130.Remove BMighty Widget from Dashboard Content
131.Add link to Community Plugins page in Dashboard Add Content popup
132.ActionView::TemplateError (undefined method `to_i’
133.End Users section in Settings -> User Accounts should be more manageable
134.Link for Image in help desk email is not being formatted correctly.
135.Invalid ticket numbers in the beta template preview are saying they sent an email.
136.”After saving beta email templates, if I click on ‘reset’ it’s sending me to a page that won’t display.”
137.Labels for template radio buttons are to high.
138.Need a Plugin hook for the purchase list tab of tickets
139.Remove BETA label from new email templates
140.Newlines not coming through correctly in emails
141.tickets closed from portal use wrong template
142.time remains as hours (h) instead of converting to 1d at 8h
143.adding CC user wipes a currently un-entered ticket comment
144.(undefined method `ticketable’ for nil:NilClass) error in the production log
145.Assigned to is not being changed to unassigned when an admin is deleted.
146.CC field is missing from the help desk manual ticket form
147.improve email template formatting / add HTML formatting
148.Add character (‘) to the set of valid email characters
149.@domain.internal incoming emails fail to parse
150.Custom calendar attribute does not work when creating a ticket from within the help desk
151.adding a related to field and entering a comment removes the comment
152.[FF3] Ticket height is large when a new ticket is created
153.”Indicate emails are being sent/disable “”send”” button on new helpdesk email templates”
154.Changing the assigned admin will loose any unsaved data in the comment field
155.”Clicking on “”send”” will hang if template code is written incorrectly”
156.Need a way to capture that a plugin stat needs to go up for a given dashboard widget
157.”[IE] Bleedthrough text for “”assign to”””
158.Help Desk: Error thrown to the UI
159.Help Desk: 500 error thrown to log file