Techie’s paradise – a visit to Dell Solution Centre

I recently had an invite to visit the Limerick Dell Solution Centre with a client to consider the options for a project coming up in the next 12 months. This particular facility is used in part by Dell to provide proofs of concept for clients planning or building application stacks for their specific needs. This allows the client to ensure that the design works and performs before starting their implementation.

The facility also houses the logistic element of Dell’s support – this is how they get the parts to you when something has failed or is about to in your server or PC. It has also a very interesting section dedicated to the Internet of Things (IOT) and Dell’s approach to that – well worth a visit. A section showing the differing kinds of workers and the technology to support them was informative and some new gadgets were on display as well as demonstrations with the Leap interface and 3d Spacemouse.

A talk around the history of the Solution Centre was very informative as well as coverage of some of the recent Dell acquisitions and the upcoming purchase of EMC. All in all a very useful update and briefing on the capabilities of the Centre and Dell’s positioning in the PC, Server and Software markets.