Updates Updates and more Updates

Its been growing over time and most recently it is coming to a head with the holiday season. Whats the problem ? Updates – thats what. Between IOS updates, Itunes updates – windows updates and application updates – it seems that not a day goes by without another spate of upgrades, updates and reboots.

I know that I recommend to clients to have a moderately aggressive update strategy but the recent spate makes me wonder if the average person can actually get any work done without an update putting in an appearance. The worst candidate seems to be the IOS updates for apps that seem to appear daily and if ignored they build up so quickly.

However this is better than a recent scenario where in taking over responsibility for a new client infrastructure and discovered that two servers had never had any material patches or service packs since installation. This is a recipe for disaster for servers with internet facing services and is really unconscionable for a support organisation to do on behalf of a client.

Make sure that your update strategy is somewhere in between the two extremes of no updates or bleeding edge updates.