Notes 9 – the future is bright

On a webinar organised by TLCC and IBM – we got the skinny on the next release of Notes – now officially Notes 9. This release is likely to be the most important release for developers and users alike and this is the best opportunity for those of us who have stayed loyal to the Lotus notes platform for so many years to continue the tradition of rapid development combined with innovation and rock solid support.

I came away from the webinar with the hope that this will once again propel Notes to the forefront of development with the promise of truly rapid design and implementation with enterprise grade security and reliability. The resurgence in development through Xpages can only benefit by this second “generation” of  xpages enhancement – and if coupled with widespread cost effective training, resources and books – this could mean a future for the technology and the product.

So its down to developers to embrace this release – get yourself on the beta here on Ed Brills blog and get ready to start using this in anger. I am planning to get a vm ready to play as soon as the beta is out