
The hardware family of the OVF package is not supported – importing an ovf virtual machine

Okay – some background and some confusion. The ovf format pops up when you are running ESX and select import virtual appliance and are given the options Import from the VMware Virtual Appliance Marketplace Import from file Import from url and you realise that all these options relate to an ovf packaged virtual machine. According […]

Mini Apple TV – no its not a new product

I have just retired a Mac Mini running 0s/X 10.3.9 from a role monitoring networks using Nagios. Built from source on this machine Nagios has been a good and reliable tool but recently I decided to virtualise this monitoring and move it to Ubuntu. That went well but left me thinking what I could do […]

Too much bandwidth for a Draytek 2820 ?

Some time ago I had issues with Draytek 2800 routers on adsl lines that were getting above 7 MB download speeds but that were having problems sustaining connection and found that a command had been added to the CLI which allowed setting the maximum download rate to a value that was less but more reliable. […]

Xobni (thats Inbox backwards to you) ..

Finally – after the loss of Lookout (bought by Microsoft and thrown down a deep hole) – I was really hoping someone would grasp the nettle of Inbox overload – ala Splunk and other information management tools. So today was my lucky day. There it was in my inbox – a tool called xobni that […]