SBS 2008

Console.log growing on SBS 2008

The SBS management console in SBS 2008 is a useful management tool for those maintaining an SBS server. However if you have been around SBS 2008 for any length of time you will have no doubt come up with some of the issues relating to database or log file bloat. One that you may not […]

Hp 3800N not allowing tray to be changed when printing? Go Universal

Had a client with this issue – a HP 3800 driver on an SBS 2008 server printing via the network. Problem was that they were unable to change the default printer  port. After some investigation it seemed like the driver was not detecting the printer correctly and specifically the trays attached. The  solution was to […]

OWA Issue on SBS 2008 after installing service pack 3 for Exchange 2007

If you are having a problem accessing OWA from an sbs 2008 server itself after installing Exchange Server 2007 SP3 then this one is for you. The symptom is that while logged into the server as an administrator and attempting to access owa using the url https://yourservername/owa you get errors or potentially nothing shown. This may […]