
Vi syntax colouring driving you mad?

When using vi in Ubuntu virtual machines – a client asked me if they could stop it displaying in colour – which they found hard to read and find what they were looking for. So this simple tip is how to toggle the setting in and off. Press the esc key and then enter :syntax […]

VNC server setup on Ubuntu 11.10

As a platform for testing OMDistro – the packaged solution for check_mk and nagios and some other monitoring components I choose a ubuntu distribution. After quite a lot of configuration and additional elements I got the system running but wanted to see if a simpler installation and configuration was possible. Using a desktop ubuntu 10.10 image […]

Time to move up (in versions)

A long standing Nagios install (Ubuntu 8.10) has been tasking me over the last few days as although it has run without a blip for many years (probably being rebooted about once a year) it has no doubt reached its EOL (End OF Life). Given the lack of problems  I hadn’t bother to upgrade the […]