Raspberry Pi

Time for Pi

As a long time fan of the Raspberry Pi platform I recently decided to replace an aging original Pi for a project I have in mind. So imagine my delight when I spotted the Pi 400 – its a Pi in a keyboard !! Whoever thought of that – pat yourself on the back. Immediately […]

Need a case for your PI ?

I have been waiting for a case for my Raspberry Pi for few weeks – came across this nice design at this site http://www.pibow.com/. The costs are reasonable and it will protect your Pi so well worth getting your hands on one Heres the product blurb   The Pibow is made to be fairly easy […]

Cooking A Raspberry Pi

Got my first chance to work with the Raspberri Pi. The process is relatively painless and involves downloading an iso image for the os and transferring it to the sd card using an application provided for this purpose. This makes the SD card bootable. Finally attaching network card – hdmi video – keyboard and mouse […]