
Plurk updates failing :(

Just spotted an issue with Plurk not updating when posting. This is the second time it has dropped out. Time to investigate Site was offline for some time this morning due to essential maintenance All back and working though

Plurking is working (again)

After a recent WordPress upgrade I found that  a couple of addins weren’t operating as expected. Specifically some to do with plurk About Plurk Noun. plurk (plüer-kh) – A really snazzy site that allows you to showcase the events that make up your life in deliciously digestible chunks. Low in fat, 5 calories per […]

Linking to Plurk

As you will see Plurk can also be used to display WordPress posts using the Wp-Plurk addin – from here or via the wordpress plugins site So as you write – you can have your display updated. Short and sweet Actually there may be a compatibility issue with 3.1 and Wp-plurks so not so much […]