
Night And Day

Recently I had the pleasure of hearing a first class speaker twice in 24 hours.  The topics however were night and day apart. The Belfast Java User Group had managed to secure the services of Ben Evans – a Java champion and renowned  author of the current “Java In  A Nutshell” book to talk about […]

Eclipse and Java – made for each other

When starting off with Java programming – the first productive step you can make is to select an integrated development environment (IDE) that supports your learning and development efforts. In my case the IDE is pretty much preordained as it already the IDE of choice for Domino development – Eclipse. The transition from using it […]

Time For Java

I attended one of the Learning Tree Anyware training courses on Java last week. This is an office or home based method of attending the training course rather than going on site to a training location. This is the third I have been on and there are pros and cons for attending remotely. Interruptions can […]